Youtube Music for Video Creators – What it´s all about?
Composers and Musicians have the opportunity to register their music with the so called Content ID System for Youtube. You know better than us this is nearly by 99% the case for all music available these days.
Rights Owner do this because they get back the control of their intelectual property so in first case not a bad thing at all.
But the Content Creators building up their community on Youtube and using music marked with Content ID will get a Claim. Don´t worry. This is just the charming way of Youtube to tell you that the music is copywritten. Nothing more happens during the first claim – but you are not able to monetize your video.
No Copyright Music and Licensed Music – How to Youtube?
FREE MUSIC USAGE & Demo License:
Well you have downloaded a free music track from our website music catalog.
You want to use it in one of your non-commercial Youtube Videos and GOT A CLAIM?!
Actually we have (as we are forced to) all our tracks registered with Youtube Content ID. So you will get a claim when using our tracks on Youtube automatically.
BUT DON´T WORRY ABOUT THAT! As a claim in Youtube is nothing more than an information that the music has copyrights (we own 100% of them) there will be no more actions taken from our site when using our free music. So you do not have to worry about getting a ban or strike or something from our side. You are simply not able to monetise your video due to the claim.
In case you want to monetize your videos you need to get a license from us and we will whitelist your video are release the claim for our music.
You have licensed a music track over our webshop and got the invoice and the license document. So now you have licensed a music track from us. Thanks for that we appreciate your support!
You also were able to download the high quality music track from us and and everything looks fine. Hell Yeah time to make some money on Youtube.
But you got a claim?!?
Yes that´s because all of our music is protected by Content ID as explained aboe. But the good news is – we are able to whitelist your video and you can monetize your video from there on!
So how to proceed: Release the claim for your videos
After you are ready and have uploaded your video to Youtube – let us know that you want us to whitelist your video. Therefore please use our youtube clearance form with the direct link to your Youtube Video. Please do not make the video private or inaccessable as we need to have the video online! After we got your request we will immediately contact our content service provider AdRev and let him know that your video shall be whitelisted and all claims from our music shall be released. This normally takes 24 till 48 hours. Yes it´s that simple!
This means: no more claims for our music ever again!
Content ID & Fingerprinting
As we said before: all of our music is protected by content ID, royalty free and registered with the service provider AdRev.
That´s the reason why you are not allowed to register your recorded song with Youtube´s Content ID system! (or any other fingerprinting service)
The problem is that Youtube do not allow to register non-exclusive royalty free music if you are not holding 100% of all rights (please see here Youtubes Statement). Only the original producer can hold all rights – but as we (as most other producers do, too) license our music on a non-exclusive base to a whole bunch of customers, the license will be used by a lot of peoples.
So in case you register your e.g. modified song with Youtube Content ID or any other fingerprinting service there will be false copyright claims between the license holders. As result we have to request the removal of your track!
How to make money with our Youtube Music for Content Creators?
At first sight it seems there are some restrictions to our Youtube Music Productions. But of course you can still make money with your videos on Youtube. Because you are allowed to monetize your videos and keep 100% of all income from that, when having a commercial license from us.
Also keep in mind that all of our high quality music productions are 100% royalty free. This means you don´t have to worry about to share your revenue with any PRO (performing royalty organisation) like ASCAP, GEMA, SUISA etc.
It´s pretty simple: License Once – use Forever!